
Hells Angels Debar Their Bench

Hells Angels Debar Their Bench Earlier this month the Hells Angels installed a bar across the bench that sits in front of their headquarters on Third Street in the East Village. Why'd they do that? To keep toursits passing by (or staying in a nearby hotel) from using it. Naturally, some neighbors and tourists were not amused by the addition and—shockingly!—apparently neither was the city's Department of Transportation. [ more ? ]

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Review: Mobile Games Roundup

Geared! Blind! Perfect! Phoenix! Zombies!!!

Ever noticed how snooty some people can be about mobile games, or downloadable games in general? As if the fact that they're cheap, and possibly short, somehow disqualifies them from being considered 'proper' games?

The same applies to the scores we attach to the games. Some folk appear to require a sort of universal scoring system, where only full price titles can possibly be worth high marks, and anything simple and cheap can only deserve a maximum of, say, 5/10.

Anyone who has sunk hours into a life-sapping game like Game Dev Story or the absurdly addictive Flick Kick Football knows what absolute nonsense that is, and yet it's surprising how many people still don't get it. Perhaps it's a mindset born out of well-worn habits; it feels like older gamers brought up on simple games have been instantly receptive, while some of those schooled in the modern epics can't quite see the appeal.


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Happy Monday National Public Sleeping Day!

Happy <strike>Monday</strike> National Public Sleeping Day! It's only fitting that National Public Sleeping Day fall on a rainy Monday in the midst of SAD-season... and here we are. Yes, this is allegedly an actual holiday celebrating sleeping in public, and this site has some suggestions on where to doze off, including buses and public restrooms. Terrible, terrible ideas for New Yorkers, of course... so where is a good place to fall asleep in public in this city? Our top 5 suggestions below: [ more ? ]

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Video: Your Boba Fett/Legend of Zelda Intermission

Video: Your Boba Fett/Legend of Zelda Intermission If you didn't get your nap in today, you may need a little break. Enter: the accordion-playing Boba Fett that we first met last year, who's still out there earning money to put towards his graduate degree in engineering at Columbia. This video was just uploaded to the YouTubes, featuring Fett playing the Lost Woods song from Legend of Zelda. Hey Charlie Sheen: this is what winning really looks like: [ more ? ]

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Obama Nixes Safe Drilling

By refusing to grant a single deep-water permit in the Gulf, Obama has shut down access to one third of America's oil supply.

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Geekiest video game ever called PewPewPewPewPewPewPewPewPew

If you were around in the early days of the video game, you will remember classics like Asteroids and others with blocky graphics and the iconic pewpew sound of lasers being fired. There are still a lot of video games that are made for fans of that old school style fare and a new one has turned up with the name PewPewPewPewPewPewPewPewPew.

The name of the game might not roll off the tongue, but the game is interesting. You don?t get a controller as you expect to control the game play; you get a pair of microphones. One player has the mic that controls the thrust of the jetpack by blowing into the mic.

The other player controls the firing of the laser weapon by? wait for it? saying pewpewpew. The game is a left to right scrolling type in a 2D world with vectorized obstacles you have to shoot and fly over or under.

[vimeo 19687592]

Via Geekosystem

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Kinect hacked into 3D scanner for making foam busts of users

The Kinect has turned out to be something that in my house at least rarely gets used. It is a very cool device though and I continue to be amazed at some of the things that geeks are able to hack the Kinect to do. One of the latest hacks turns the Kinect into a crude 3D scanner that can turn the pose the person stands with in front of the camera into a foam bust.

The pieces that are made by the 3D printer attached to the Kinect look like little puzzle pieces that can be connected together. The video taken by the Kinect is turned into a STL file and sent out to the printer.

The Kinect system is called Fabricate Yourself and it’s interesting. You can see a video of the thing in action below. Other than just being cool, I wonder what real world applications that sort of hack could have.

Via Boingboing

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Review: Lord of Arcana

Arcana believe it.

Arise, amnesiac hero, the time has come! For you are the Chosen One, and it's down to you to defeat the eight guardians of the power of Arcana so that you can rule the realm. I'm deeply disappointed that a story so distressingly normal could emerge from the studio behind Deadly Premonition.

Lord of Arcana very consciously casts itself in the Phantasy Star/Monster Hunter mould of multiplayer-friendly monster-slaying action games. You head out on quests, tooled up with weapons and armour crafted from slain enemies, and attempt to stick your sword through a range of ever-bigger and toothier boss monsters. There is nothing wrong with what it's trying to do; Monster Hunter hasn't had a real competitor in years, and Arcana initially looks like it might be a more accessible, action-orientated take on the formula rather than a rip-off. Initially.

The illusion is short-lived. Lord of Arcana pulls one of the dirtiest tricks in gaming by giving you a glimpse of power and then taking it all away. The opening level sends you, clad in shimmering steel and a blue cape, after a massive dragon, and the combat system seems really promising.


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I Can Haz Medical Marijuana Licence In NJ?

I Can Haz Medical Marijuana Licence In NJ? Last year, NJ legalized medical marijuana for people suffering from chronic illnesses, but the law has been in limbo ever since because of a long debate over restrictions, and how to implement it. While the process goes on, the state Department of Health and Senior Services closed off the application period to set up the six centers that will be allowed to grow and sell pot—only 20 potential operators, who had to pay $20,000 each, are being considered for those dispensaries. But the Post reports that 541 people wrote requesting information on how to apply. Among those people were pharmacists, farmers, and a "bunch of dopey dope-smokers." Here are some highlights below (warning: many sics ahead): [ more ? ]

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The Ghacks Facebook Fan Page Needs You!

With the recent Google Search algorithm update I finally decided to go ahead with my plans to diversify the traffic profile of this website. I was far to long dependent on one company and would like to change that. The first step is to revitalize the Facebook fan page and Twitter account to add social [...]

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Verizon CEO: Apple LTE Products Coming

The first Apple LTE product is coming to a Verizon store near you very soon. Dan Mead, CEO of Verizon, recently confirmed that his company will offer Apple mobile products on their LTE network. No product name was given, but the two likely candidates right now are the iPhone 5 and the iPad 2.

Since March 2 brings the iPad 2 to us, Mead was most likely “announcing” an LTE slate there. This doesn’t mean we won’t also see an LTE version of the iPhone 5. Apple is thought to be very bullish on the new 4G technology. I’d imagine sales estimates for the Xoom will take a bit of a dive if it ends up losing its LTE advantage to the iPad as well as its camera advantage.

If Verizon does launch an LTE iPhone 5, does that mean AT&T will launch a “4G” iPhone of their own, with access to HSPA+?

[Via Phonescoop]

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Wayne Barrett's Wife Is His "Liason To Planet Earth"

Wayne Barrett's Wife Is His "Liason To Planet Earth" In January, Village Voice reporter Wayne Barnett was let go after 37 years at the weekly tabloid, for what was said to be budgetary reasons. The Times has a feature catching up with the muckraking reporter, who is currently at work on an article for The Nation. There are many amusing anecdotes from the man ("Bloomberg’s first term was, I think, the best I’ve ever covered, but since then he’s treading water. I think the job bores him."), along with quotes from former colleagues and mentees (“Wayne manages to be endearing and obnoxious at the same time.”) The whole story is worth reading, but there's one bit in particular, from his wife Fran Barrett ("Wayne's liaison to planet Earth") which stood out to us: [ more ? ]

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