A swing and a miss.
One of the more popular retro remakes of recent years, Bionic Commando Rearmed eventually became something of a poisoned chalice for Swedish developer GRIN. The side-scroller's success completely overshadowed the team's full-fat franchise reboot, which launched nine months later to critical grumblings that it wasn't as good as the 2D game. Even a staggering climax (spoilerphobes, look away now) that saw hero Nathan Spencer headbutt his nemesis to death in mid-air � after discovering his bionic arm was actually his dead wife, of course � wasn't enough to save it from flopping. A pair of unremarkable film tie-ins later, GRIN was sadly shuttered.
Two-and-a-bit years later, fellow Scandinavians Fatshark are in charge for the sequel. Set a few years after the first game, it sees Spencer � the man with the worst case of claw hand in medical history � return to tackle a Castro-esque dictator. This time he sports a bushy lip-warmer and suffers from a Charlie Brooker perma-grump. In fairness, the bionics accompanying him on said mission do come from the Barry-from-Alan-Wake school of irritating sidekicks, saying things like, "I've got a pair of bionic legs here that are about to kick some serious butt."
As a remake, Rearmed kept things simple, and initially it seems Fatshark has streamlined things yet further by removing any choice from the level select screen and setting you on a linear route to the end of the game. This does mean that the brief top-down sections are missing, and while they were hardly the strongest point of either Rearmed or the original NES game, it's a shame to see them go � particularly when you realise that the enjoyable if straightforward hacking mini-game has also been excised.