Squad man out.
If you're off to Kazakhstan anytime soon � and I hear the weather is just lovely � be sure not to, you know, fall down any holes. I only say that because, if Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars is anything to go by, the landscape there � as well as in a handful of other former Soviet hotspots � is absolutely riddled with gullies, gulches, crevices and canyons.
Normally, I'd put this down to the glinting, shifty-eyed presence of Tom Clancy, chewing thoughtfully on a pulled-pork sandwich while he spit-balls game ideas over IM with his good buddy Glenn Beck. "Those Commies, or whatever they are these days," he might type. "Not even the ground wants anything to do with them." In reality, though, the frequent pitfalls are probably due to the hardware, as it's tricky to make a turn-based strategy launch title that shows off the 3DS' magical top screen without them.
Ridiculous as it sounds, the third dimension genuinely adds something to Shadow Wars. Not in mechanical terms, necessarily � although your cel-shaded units do stand out from the gloomy landscapes a bit more than they otherwise would � but in terms of the overall feel.